We believe and teach that:
- All Scripture (both the Old and New Testaments), as originally written, is the inerrant, complete, and Inspired Word of God.
- There is one God, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- God created man in His image. Man, of his own accord, chose to transgress the will and command of God, thereby separating himself from God.
- The Lord Jesus Christ died a substitutionary and complete sacrifice for the whole world and only those who believe in Him are saved.
- Salvation is obtained through faith in Christ alone. Not through any amount of good works or deeds.
- Baptism, by complete immersion, is a sign to the world of one's belief, and is not done as a requirement for salvation.
- All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are here today. They are used for witnessing and service to the Lord.
- The time is close at hand when Christ will come for the Church, the entire body of believers, both living and dead. This will happen before the time of the tribulation.
- At judgement, the believers, the children of God, will receive their reward. Those who have not been saved, will be cast out, into everlasting punishment.